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Trout Fishing Tasmania

Trout Fishing Tasmania (19)

Tasmania offers Endless options when it comes to tout fishing. With pristine lakes, streams and river systems wild brown and rainbow trout thrive in the perfect conditions. Guides can offer the best experience with a huge bank of local knowledge. From specialised fly fishing to lure fishing, guided expeditions will have you hooking up to that trout of a lifetime.

(Highly Recommended)Trout_Fishing

Trout Fishing Tasmania
Fly Fishing Tasmania

Rod Barford
Ph (03) 5952 5300 
Mob (0418) 591475


Trout Fishing Tasmania and Fly Fishing Tasmania

Over the past 30 years Rod Barford has explored and perfected the fly fishing experience, and has come to know many of its secrets. This knowledge and dedication to fly fishing has made Rod one of the most sought after professional guides by anglers from all around the world. Whether you're looking for that special "one on one" guided fly fishing experience, or you're just starting out Rod Barford's FLYTREK AUSTRALIA has something for you.

Experience the best in Australian fly fishing with Flytrek.

FLYTREK has a range of all inclusive package tours to the best fly fishing destinations in Australia, from the pristine alpine regions of New South Wales, through Victoria's diverse highland lakes and streams, right down to Tasmania's famous wild brown trout fishery.

Whether you're just starting out or simply want to further your skills in any facet of the fly fishing art, over 30 years of fly fishing experience is at your disposal. Rod Barford conducts tuition including Beginners, Streamcraft, Lakecraft and Advanced skills. FLYTREK are also the only professional guiding service in Australia that provide tuition in Float Tubing!

Our standard guiding & tuition rates for 2010/11 -

1 angler   $485/day

2 anglers $360/day each

3 anglers $280/day each

4 anglers $240/day each

Prices include provision of lunch & morning/afternoon tea, as well as tackle if you need it.



1. One-on-one tuition - standard guiding rates apply (see below), can be done on any day of the year. All tackle/waders supplied. Venue - pick from one of the streams closer to Melbourne (Yarra River @ Warburton, Goulburn River @ Alexandra/Thornton, King Parrot Ck, etc.), or further afield by arrangement.  

2. Introduction to Fly Fishing - 1-day Fly Fishing School - $195 per person, min. 6 persons. All tackle/waders supplied. Lunch & refreshments. Run usually on the Goulburn River near Alexandra, but available pretty much anywhere if sufficient numbers arise. Slight adjustment to price may occur depending on distance. 

3. Weekend Fly Fishing Primer - 2-Day Fly Fishing School - $485 per person, min. 6 persons, includes 2 nights’ accommodation in riverside cabins, meals, tuition, all tackle/waders supplied. Run usually on the Goulburn River near Alexandra 

4. High Country Stream School - a 4-Day/3-Night school - $1095 ea. for 4 persons, $1235 ea. for 3, $1375 ea. for 2. Includes 3 nights accommodation at The Blue Duck on the Cobungra River (approx. 40kms from Mt Hotham), 3.5 days fly fishing tuition. Fishing & tuition takes place on the Upper Mitta Mitta & Bundarra Rivers nearby.

5.  Learn while on a fly fishing tour - cost varies according to tour package. A very popular way to learn, many of our past clients have booked in for tours with the objective being to learn 'in the field'. For this option, simply enquire about our list of 11 tour options, or we can easily custom-make a tour for you.

6. ‘The Compleat Angler’ school – a 6 day/6 night live-in school that, in its initial stages, will be run annually for a maximum of 12 persons, min.6. $1860 pp. This comprehensive course is the latest addition to my array, and has been constructed for the maximum effectiveness and enjoyment of participants, providing ideal riverside accommodation, quality meals, course notes and provided equipment for participants. If it proves as popular as I’m hoping, I’ll run it according to demand. Venue options include the Goulburn River @ Acheron, and the upper Mitta Mitta River at Angler’s Rest.

7. ’Private Tuition Weekend’ 2-day/2 Night Weekend package - $950 each for 2 persons (max.4) - not everyone is comfortable in a group format, so this ‘1-on-2’ weekend is perfect for couples who prefer a more intimate weekend, or a couple of mates who prefer to have the guide’s attention all to themselves. A $160 saving off normal guiding rates. Venue options include the Goulburn River @ Acheron, but can be extended to the upper Mitta Mitta River at Angler’s Rest*.

*A price increase would be incurred if Option 7 were held at Anglers Rest, due to the greater distance from Melbourne.

Please Note: While all our fly fishing courses are nominated as being held on specific waters, if you have a preference for a different site, and can supply the minimum number of participants for that particular occasion, we are happy to look at a change of venue subject to suitability & other basic requirements.



1.  Tasmanian Central Highlands (TAS)

Based at Miena on the Great Lake, fishing any of the thousands of local waters. 8 days/7 nights.

No. of anglers                1               2              3             4

Price per person       $4985      $3970     $2960     $2600

2.  Tasmanian Lowland Streams (TAS)

Based in a motor-home, fishing local streams as the conditions dictate. 8 days/7 nights.

No. of anglers                1               2              3             4

Price per person       $4825     $3865      $2890     $2500

3.  Tasmanian London Lakes (TAS)

Based at this famous fly fishing lodge, fishing large private lakes - a very special trip. 5 days.

No. of anglers                1               2     

Price per person        $6350      $775  

4. New Zealand South Island

Opt for either the Mataura R on private property & fish their own waters, plus famous streams, or fish the West Coast streams, lowest angler numbers in NZ, but one of the highest fish counts. More streams than you could fish in a lifetime. 7 days

No. of anglers                1               2              3             4

Price per person       $6345      $5350      $4150    $3675

5. New Zealand North Island

Based at Turangi, fishing famous rivers that flow into Lake Taupo, Tongariro R plus others. 7 days. 

No. of anglers                1               2              3             4

Price per person       $6345      $5350      $4150    $3675

*NB: All prices are subject to change without notice. Verify prices at time of booking. Current volatile fuel prices tend to affect prices at short notice. All prices current at 1st August 2009.



  • Accommodation in most trips is in ensuite cabins.
  • All meals are provided, including morning & afternoon tea where practical.
  • Tasmanian & New Zealand trips include return airfare and local transport.
  • Smoking is not permitted in either the accommodation or the vehicle.
  • All trips and services are available all year round, subject to seasonal closures.

All trips are fully customisable, and where practical can be converted from longer trips down to weekend trips. Larger groups, including corporate, are easily accommodated by prior arrangement.

Note: For Fly Fishing Victoria and Trout Fishing Victoria click HERE:

Note: For Fly Fishing NSW and Trout Fishing NSW click HERE:


Corporate Packages

All Flytrek services are suitable for corporate customers, easily customised to suit any size group at most venues. Enquire for pricing.

Gift Certificates

All our gift certificates are non-transferrable and have a 'life' of 3 months, but can be extended as per the conditions on the certificate and subject to an extension fee. The ideal gift to the angler in your family, workmate or group of friends. Especially good for someone who has let slip that they "... have always wanted to try fly fishing" - our Weekend Fly Fishing Primer is the perfect gift for the would-be fly fisher.

Rod Barford, Flytrek Australia - Fly fishing guide & instructor (since 1989).

Ph (03) 5952 5300  Fax (03) 5952 5044  Mob (0418) 591475.

All-inclusive packages to the best fly fishing destinations in Vic, Tas, NSW & NZ.

High Country guiding & horseback fly fishing adventures.

Fly fishing schools, personalised tuition.

Private fishery with on-site cabin.